i don't think it can be defined because there is no such thing..just like peace can't really be defined because it doesn't exist either
Monday, February 28, 2011
How did so-called corporate greed put you in the situation you are in today?
that i can't explain because that is a battle that i am currently fighting on a legal front and am bound not to discuss it
How is it the fault of the average tax-paying citizen (who is helping to support you) that you can't find a job?
its not -- its the corporate greed of those at the top that cause the problems .. and by the way they are NOT supporting me anymore because all the money has run out....
What are your thoughts on Socialists in the Obama administration?
i didn't know there were any...
What is greedy about putting in an honest day's work while the shiftless stay home, smoke dope and collect welfare?
sadly this the generalization that people make..I can assure that is not what I am doing nor are many unemployed college educated people are doing...this type of thoughts don't settle well with me because the generalization doesn't work and sadly corporate greed has forced many good people out to the streets with absolutely no where to turn...its this type of attitude that shows the greed of the corporate jackass
What is free about a society that takes from the productive and gives to the nonproductive?
nonproductive probably would be productive if it wasn't for the greed of the productive (I know first hand of this)
What does American citizenship mean to you?
means i am not under some weird dictator and in a free society..
Are you ever kind to strangers?
hardly ever - depends on the circumstances
How well would you say you get along with people?
not as well as i should because people are either stupid or liars or both (referring to those i have dealt with in the last couple of years...you know who you are!)
If you could go only to one restaurant for the next five years, which would it be?
too many to pick..i don't go to restaurants
What's your opinion on the 14th Amendment controversy?
if your parents are illegal then their child should be under NO circumstances be considered U.S. citizens...however anyone of U.S. originated parents born in a foreign country SHOULD be U.S. citizens because its not their fault that they were accidently born outside the states
How much love do you have for yourself?
probably zero...although nobody else does either
Do you feel sorry for Tiger Woods?
for what...just another overpaid athlete who cheats
Friday, February 25, 2011
Is there anything in your life worth defending?
my own integrity which i am doing now
What events in your life led you to become an anti-war pacifist?
none that i am going to tell you...
Where's your favorite place to buy clothes?
i haven't needed to buy clothes in 10 years...so i dont have any
Do you have any respect at all for those who have chosen to serve their country?
many were not chosen, they were forced to do so...for those who went volunteer, that's their choice..if they want to take their chances with their life for a foolish war so be it...it will never get my support either way
If you were to meet a veteran, what would you say to him or her?
i have met many and i stay away from any military topics
Have you considered running for public office? This could be your opportunity to fix the system!
if you got the money to back me, i will do it...
If you take away the wealthy then you take away the jobs that they provide, in which case you will never have a job. Is this what you want?
the wealthy ain't given out the jobs anyway..so the answer to your question is YES!!!
What was the worst movie you've ever seen?
Blues Brothers 2000 - just awful nowhere as good as the original
Why do you hate the wealthy? Have you ever gotten a job from a poor person?
its greed.....and no
Are you aware that if it were not for American involvement during WWII, you would likely be speaking German while the west coast would be speaking Japanese?
yes, however since we had the bomb we could have dropped it and then game over
Why don't you support the troops?
its a waste of money and lives
What's the best place near you to get good Chinese food?
i dont eat chinese so i dont know
What was your favorite birthday gift?
you get gifts for birthdays...i never did
Who was the best teacher you've ever had?
my computer teacher in high school
If you could instantly become fluent in another language, which language would you pick?
too many to pick
I worked hard all my life to get where I'm at today. What right do you or anyone else have to my wealth that you had no hand in creating?
because you are greedy and probably got where you are by stepping on others...and given the attitude of your question, maybe your multi-room mansion should be burned to the ground, your yard full of cars stolen and all your bank accounts emptied and given to orphaned children....HAHAHA
What's the most delicious meal you've ever had?
pizza in Virginia..a little pizza shop on trip several years ago
What charity do you recommend?
I can't recommend ANY charity because ALL of them are backed by huge executive boards and high adminstrative costs
The Obama administration has said they will no longer enforce the Defense Of Marriage Act. How should Congress address this abuse of power?
either way somebody will be offended...personally I am against same-sex marriage and should be outlawed...the abuse of power should only be considered if its violating state laws..which again i am against
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I wasn't being sarcastic. Where does your wisdom come from?
experience..life's experiences
From what well do you draw your wisdom?
not the same one you draw that sarcastic question...
What are your thoughts on the civil unrest currently underway in Greece?
not paying attention
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Who's your favourite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?
dont know enough about them to make a choice..all pretty much equal to me
With 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, how would you rate President Obama's performance so far and why?
7 - he hasn't been doing any real bad things except being hindered by bastard Republicans and Tea Partiers who want to follow their own evil agenda
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
What was the worst movie you've ever seen?
Lizzie McGuire Movie (I am sorry, Hilary), but this was really bad...I really wanted to like it..loved the show
Monday, February 21, 2011
Who and when was your first kiss?
sadly never been kissed seriously
If you could only listen to one song for the next month, which would it be?
forget you (bad version)
If you could instantly become an expert at one style of dance, what style would you pick?
dont know enough about dance to answer
If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be?
too many to choose from
If you could change one thing that happened last year what would it be?
i would still be employed
Saturday, February 19, 2011
What was the happiest moment in your life?
was i ever supposed to be happy?
What's the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
how is the stock market doing
Friday, February 18, 2011
You seem to have it in for so-called idiots and stupid people. What makes you so smarter than everyone else?
not everyone else..just the idiots i have dealt with
What are your thoughts on the chaos happening in Wisconsin?
its just the beginning of what will happen everywhere
Do you have any recommendations to President Obama on where to trim the budget in order to cut the deficit?
defense and congressional pay
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?
as many as you want (what is this the 1970's)
Did you know that Facebook and Twitter have taken in nearly a billion US dollars in revenue?
yes, but i dont add to either
If you could eat at any restaurant in the world tonight, which one would you choose?
i dont eat out
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Who's the most underrated musician?
they are overrated..nobody is underrated
Who was the best teacher you've ever had?
my computer teacher in high school
I find it hard to believe that no one has ever been kind to you. What about your friends and family? And I mean your real friends, not your on-line ones.
i have no real life friends anymore...lost my connections when i became unemployed....and as far as family goes...i can't go into that mess...especially to people i don't know
Why are people only faking to like others?
because its there way of getting ahead with other people..i have had many poser friends in my day...and some even now...sometimes its so easy to spot the fakes
What are your thoughts on Global Warming?
50 inches of snow....no such thing in the U.S.....over blown hype
Is the world's wealth finite, or can wealth be created?
as long as we print money..its infinite growth
Why can you not be joyfull about the success of others. Your friends and family would be joyed with your success.
they never have...and success usually means somebody else fails or gets mistreated...where i am now...end of story
"If you want something very much the whole universe supports you" agree with it?
mixed feelings about that - i doubt the whole universe..maybe a small group or even a country..but never a universe..
George W. Bush was qualified to be a jet fighter pilot, which takes a great deal of intelligence to accomplish. How does this make him stupid when compared with you?
he was a stupid president and just because you can fly a plane or drive a car doesn't make you intelligent..just means you have skill..if we could teach a chicken to fly a plane..then it would have learned a skill
Who was the best teacher you've ever had?
my high school computer teacher...rip
What keeps you going?
the stupidity of others..otherwise nothing
If you were CEO of a major multi-national corporation, what would you pay yourself?
depends on profit, number of employees, shareholders etc and how well the company is doing..NEVER to be an extravegant amount that would be excessive
What song best describes your life right now?
the song "Forget You"..the bad version
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Why have you never been happy?
i don't know you so i don't have to explain it...personal reasons
The young pop stars you're a fan of have made obscene amounts of cash. How would you redistribute their wealth?
charitable giveaways..or even better persue the companies that distribute the wealth to them..one thing to point out that usually these young stars along with just about every other star don't make loads of money -- they have other people to pay (producers,agents, company people, etc)
What makes you so brilliant?
i am not as brilliant as resistant to the stupid people i have had to deal with...brilliance is only relevant to what you are compared to..if you compare yourself to a duck chances are you are brilliant compared to it (maybe)
If you were appointed dictator, what steps would you take to solve your country's problems?
eliminate illegals, redistribute wealth
What do you like on your pizza?
just cheese and sometimes onion
Do you now or have you ever played a musical instrument?
yes up until 8th grade ..the violin..long packed away..haven't seen the light of day since late 70's
Someone once suggested that those making over 10 million should be taxed at 95%. What do you think?
why not stop until 100%
Hamburger or cheeseburger?
cheeseburger..never can have without the cheese
If you had to choose another country to live in, where would you want to live and why?
maybe Canada - other countries way too dangerous
What's your favourite video/computer game?
i dont really play any games anymore....not for years
Would you ever consider dating a woman who is overweight?
depends on by how much...not on the top of my priority list
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Rachel Maddow or Rachael Ray?
for what -- these two are not even comparable for anything...
I really like u but youve never known it.. and I cant say who i am.. U have to guess.. Make a profile at www.bit.ly/fSO29m?814588794 then search for louisbrownusa and look at the body pix.. guess who i am
tried that and not bothering dealing with this service...got no result anyway...
If you were put in charge, what would you do differently?
keep stupid people out of high end jobs like ceos
What are your thoughts on the unrest in the Middle East?
i don't follow it and don't care
Should individual rights trump collective rights, or vice versa?
they should be the same and equal
Do you think Watson will win on Jeopardy or do you think man will triumph over machine?
human will dominate
Monday, February 14, 2011
Why do you take no advice? It might be good advice you're turning down!
nobody ever offers any advice and what they do offer is usually stupid
If you could only listen to one song for the next month, which would it be?
make it shine
My cousin lost his job and moved in with me a few months ago. Now all he does is sit around the house all day drinking beer, smokeing pot, and eating all my food. Any suggestions?
if he is smoking pot and not have it for medicinal purposes, you can usually have him arrested for having an illegal substance...depending on your state's law
Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme?
dont have any krispy kreme in the area and i don't like dd either...
If you could be on one TV show which one would it be?
My own creation...i would star...nothing better than being my own character..
Where would you like to spend your retirement?
you mean i am not already...probably prison or a mental ward (haha)
Would you rather date a lot of different people, or be in a committed relationship?
committed..if possible (ever)
What was the nicest thing you and your girlfriend did for each other while you were together?
never had a girlfriend...not a REAL girlfriend in the true sense of the word
What's the meaning of love?
no clue -- really have never been loved..i can tell you what it isn't and that is me!!!
What's the most selfless act that you have ever done for someone?
nothing..nobody is worth that...
I have a crush on u but cant say who i am lol.. u have to guess.. go to www.bit.ly/ewB3CC?280998775 then make an account and search for louisbrownusa
not paying for this service and my initial setup search showed nothing...so you will have to remain a mystery forever...haha
Who would you say was the best ever US president in your lifetime, and why?
there has been none -- all have done boneheaded things to this country
Any special plans for Valentine's Day?
no...unless you count endless hours of crying special plans
How often do you exercise?
never...issues that prevent me from doing that
Mozart: musical genius, or over rated?
dont know or care..dont like that kind of music
Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, or Daniel Craig?
i presume you are talking 007 here--no preference -- never watched enough to care
How important to you is the Golden Rule and its application when dealing with those around you?
i dont deal with people so i dont have that problem and the people i have dealt with lately are a*holes
Saturday, February 12, 2011
How fast can you run one kilometer?
i dont run anymore..barely walk (and seriously who uses kms in the u.s. - haven't used that measurement since 5th grade - many years ago)
Friday, February 11, 2011
If you were to inherit one billion dollars, what would do to help make the world a better place?
keep it all for me..
What would you be willing to give up to ensure the world had peace and prosperity for all?
i have given up everything...i have nothing left
Thursday, February 10, 2011
McDonald's or Burger King?
either one - both pretty much equal
Have you considered changing career fields? You might find something new that you like. :)
right now there are some major obstacles which i can't talk about which prevents me from getting ANY job right now...my battles have just begun...also my health is in decline so finding something new isn't an option either right now...
What would you consider to be the perfect woman?
i would know it when i find it...almost had it about 8 years ago..but stupidity let it go