i am not...there are just some questions that rub me the wrong way...and i just won't answer them...its better than just ignoring them
Thursday, March 31, 2011
What sort of activities did you and your girlfriend like to do together?
none of your business
It matters to me because you matter to me. Now will you please answer the question?
that is private information...and since i don't know you i am not obligated to tell you...
Medicaid is not a separate federal program. Many states call it different names. You need to do better research. Now that that's settled, how long ago did you apply?
why does it matter to you
What's the oldest piece of clothing you still own and wear?
my old coat -- at least 15 years old
If you could date any celebrity, who would it be?
too many to pick...too many that would be jailbait
So it IS available where you live! How could you lie to me like that?
i wasn't lying..its not available under what the federal program is and has a much stricter requirement level...so the program you suggest is NOT AVAILABLE!!!
Medicaid is available in every state! How can it not be available where you live?
because of damn Anthem who runs the program in Maine ..its called MaineCare and there is a waiting list of a year and half just to be considered for it..
I believe you're thinking of Medicare; that's health care for old people. Medicaid is health care for poor people. Understand now?
yes..but it is still not available where i live no matter what you call it
You're not old enough to get Medicaid? How old do you have to be?
at least 62 and actually its not available where i live anyway
Why don't you get Medicaid? (That's health care for poor people.)
i ain't old enough
If you're sick, why don't you just go to a doctor and get cured?
if you have the money...i already have a very high hospital bill from my last stay 2 years ago...
What's wrong with your health?
can't explain...and since i don't know you i will never tell you
Simple question, are you happy? If yes, why? If no, why?
no...i am unemployed and in bad health
Monday, March 28, 2011
If you could go back in time 10 years and tell your younger self something, what would it be?
marry the orange haired girl...she is the best thing you will ever get
Ask me anything http://formspring.me/louisbrownusa
Bills don't cost billions of dollars. What would you do with the money you don't spend on bills?
pay more bills
Thursday, March 24, 2011
After you're done paying bills, what would you do with the rest of your billions?
pay more bills
What type of people am I?
a shadow....since that is all i know and see
For a lot of other people, myself included, life doesn't suck. So what is it about your life that you enjoy?
the demeaning of people like you
Less than 10% of contributions collected by the American Red Cross are used for expenses and overhead costs. The rest go to help the people for which they were intended. Why don't you start a charity that isn't a rip off?
there is nothing i wanna be charitable to
If you have never seen anyone do good for people, how do you explain all the charitable contributions whenever disaster happens in the world?
oh please..most charities are RIP-OFFS anyway..i would never in a billion years give to any charity...even if i was the richest person in the world
What is so fun about being alone?
no one to challenge me at solitaire
If you enjoy life, why do you always complain about how much your life sucks?
right now it does
If not having friends is a personal choice, why do you always complain about not having friends?
because its fun
You're right, it is about perspective, and your perspective is what is keeping you from enjoying life. You're so negative that you expect bad from people, so you see bad even when people are trying to do good. Capisce?
i do enjoy life...i don't expect bad in people..it's obvious..it shows like a sore thumb...i am not negative but a realist...i have been through enough to know the difference...and as far people doing good..haven't seen that happen ANYWHERE yet!!!
If you could be a star athlete in any sport, which sport would you pick?
dont like sports
If you had to perform at the circus, what trick would you do?
knife throwing..and miss
You are correct in that those things do exist. The difference between you and I is that I know that not everyone is as you describe. I know because I have met good people. You're the one in the bubble, a bubble of hate! Capisce?
no just a different world...your circle is different than mine..you meet "good" people -- i meet stupids and a*holes...its all in the perspective...and i NEVER said everyone was that way...only people like YOU!!!
You don't know everything about people either! If you did, your attitude wouldn't suck! What makes you think you know so much about people when you've been stuck in the same town your whole life?
that is a personal choice..where i choose to live has nothing to with knowing about people...and as far as my attitude sucking..i am a realist...i don't live in some bubble where everything is wonderful..get real...VIOLENCE..TERRORISM...UNEMPLOYMENT..BANKRUPTCIES..THESE ARE REAL..YOU ARE NOT!!! LIVE IN THE REAL WORLD FOR ONCE AND IT MAY SURPRISE YOU
You say that some people don't want to hear the truth, well, some people probably say the same thing about you! How is it that you hardly know anything about the world, yet claim to know the truth about it?
its the people not the world i know...and i never said i knew everything about the world either...nobody does
So you're the only real person in the world and it's everyone else who has a problem?
nope...there are many other realists out there .. its just that they are called negatives just like me...people don't want to hear the truth...and many people do have problems but keep them to themselves and when they do share they overshare...no balance between too much and too little
Is it possible your negative attitude has chased off any and all potential friends?
no...people are just afraid of the truth and reality..they don't wanna here the truth...they would rather live in their rose-colored world...seen it way too many times...
What, in your opinion, is a true friend?
somebody who is there when you need them...somebody who really thinks like you do...somebody who will wash you in those places you can't reach..(oops..that's what a true shower buddy is)...
Seriously never had a friend in your life!?
not someone i could call a "true" friend...everyone was just a poser or just never cared anyway
Betamax or VHS?
never had betamax..but i know it was significantly better..so split call
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Seriously, have you ever had a real friend?
none that i would call a real one...they have all been posers...granted there are people i talk to but they are not really what i would define as a friend
Oh, so you used to be popular, have a lot of friends, hang out after work and on weekends, go out on a lot of dates, and then suddenly BAM!! Someone entered your life, turned it completely upside down, and left you in the condition you are in now?
no...no...no..no..definitely no...yes..yes..yes...
You have no joy because you choose not to. On second thought, your joy is in being miserable. Things could change if you want, or do you find happiness in being alone and unloved?
wrong...wrong...no...and no...in that order...being alone and unloved is what has happened through no fault of mine...just things that went very very wrong in life...but not my fault
Just because people understand that you do things a certain way doesn't make it right. Why would you want to be this way when you can have joy?
it works for me..and no matter what there will be no joy
You've done a very good job of explaining why you're friendless and alone in this world. Too bad. Mind if I pray for you?
your choice.. i won't stop you
Okay, then please explain why people who do care at first should continue to do so despite repeated abuse from you?
people who know me understand how i treat them those that don't ignore me anyway....and as far as abuse goes...one can get that anywhere not just from me...i just tell it like it is..the way most people think but are afraid to say...
Do you know that not everyone is as you just described them, and that there are people who actually do care; and that if you keep giving them reasons to not care, they will eventually stop?
that is their choice...some already have...but those people were just posers anyway and they did a wonderful job of fooling me
People probably don't set out to be mean; however, don't you understand that when you attack people for no reason they may get defensive?
i don't name names so if anyone take offense..then too bad..i have taken a lot of it in the last few years directly and tried to fight it and unsuccessful at that...but i have learned that people should start sucking it or just ignore things they don't like...sadly we live in a society that no matter what is said somebody somewhere will always be offended...and not saying anything is even worse...so i would rather offend some people and spark the interest of others by my thoughts and comments...its good to see people get their underpants twisted when i say something they don't like
Aww, come on, you can tell me! I promise I won't tell anyone else. How about it?
how about what..? everything i post here goes to my facebook..twitter...myspace...and blogger accounts..which means it gets seen by a minimum of 1000 persons
What if the person (or persons) think you're the crazy one and get a real kick out of exposing you for the world to see?
if they did..i would not be happy..thus i would probably make this a protected account meaning that i would have to know everyone who asks anything to me..i don't want to do that..so as i say "play nice and so will i"
Which two companies have you destroyed?
oh thats a secret...since I don't know you
What do you think about formspring.me so far?
lots of crazy people ask questions...or maybe its just one crazy person asking...sorta like a weird concept person(s) asking
If you were stranded on a desert island, which one person would you bring with you?
my ex-girlfriend
You've said you would rather work for a large company than a small one. Why would you want to work for a big company when you hate big business? Is this so you can destroy it from within and remain unemployed?
yes..i have done to 2 companies already...its fun to watch companies self destruct under their own stupidity
Who should wealth be redistributed to?
the rank and file people who are the laborers
Why would you want President Obama to drop the bomb on every other country? Aren't you opposed to any sort of military action for any reason whatsoever?
no...not when its against terrorists like Quaddafi
Fred Phelps or Michael Phelps?
don't know Fred, don't care for Michael
If you could be a public sponsor in exchange for a life time supply of their product, which one would you choose?
too many to choose
Monday, March 21, 2011
Just because you have nothing is no reason to drag the rest of us down. If you want to live in a place where everyone is equally destitute, why not move to Cuba or North Korea?
only if i can become leader...and i think everyone should be brought down anyway...we live in too much of a materialistic society...let the earthquakes and tsunamis come....
Again, not true. Under Socialism, you work for the collective, not for yourself. No matter how hard you work, you don't get to keep what you earn! You own nothing! Why would you want to live under these conditions?
who cares about having anything...i have nothing now...it would just be a step sideways..not up and not down
Why not try this: come up with a good idea. Find investors so you can develop and market your idea. If your idea is successful, you too can be wealthy instead of complaining about others who followed that same plan and got rich. Can you do this?
i have been thinking about that for years...just that i have no connections to make that sort of thing happen and have no initial money to start my own ideas anyway....
Who are you to tell anyone how much money they should make?
i am not...its just that its usually public information anyway..and people aren't smart enough to get angry and want to do anything about it...
If stockholders aren't kept happy, they pull their money. This has the potential to put even more people out of work. How could you want this?
simple...because they don't help others with their money..they don't reinvest it...they keep it as part of their greed...seriously what ceo or stockholder needs more than $10 million a year anyway...
Stockholders provide capital which companies need. If the company fails, they lose money. If successful, they make money. Shouldn't people who risk their money in a company's future be rewarded if that company does well?
not at the expense of the company's other employees or the industry in which the company is involved
We have computers, TVs, and automobiles, plus many more things; all of which are affordable due to mass production, which wouldn't be possible without capital investment from banks and big business. How could any sane person want us to live like paupers?
today that is not the case many companies are NOT investing in anything but their own greed...millions of dollars spent to undeserving CEOs and millions given to stockholders who have no business with companies except to be lucky enough to own shares in a big company or sit on their board of directors...this bulls* has gotta stop
Much of what we take for granted in this life is all due to the efforts of banks and big business. Without them we would still be living in the dark ages. How could any sane person want this?
its because its greed...sane people wan't big business to fail because it would bring equality where there is none now
Why should you be President of the US? What things would you do that no president has done before?
because we need someone who will stand up against Big Banks, CEOs, and other political interest groups...its time someone smashed big business once and for all...even if it means the elimination of the stock market..which i am in favor of
Looks like someone struck a nerve. Truth hurts, doesn't it? No one wants to hurt you. In fact, we're here to help you. Will you let us help you?
aww.only for you...but if you can help....dare and test me...haha
Do you have any scars on your body? If so, how'd you get them?
yes..dust contamination
If you could go on vacation for the next month with an unlimited budget, where would you go?
around the country
Of course you get it. It's impossible not to. Your stubborn streak just keeps you from admitting it. Why else would you continue to behave like a spoiled child in the face of the truth?
i know the truth...i dont get you spoiled child idea...i think it just proves YOUR IGNORANCE
Why do you want so many followers?
so that i can follow more people...its a trade off of limits that systems have...
Kool-Aid or Funny Face?
don't like kool-aid..don't know funny face
Justin Bieber or Rebecca Black?
i don't know who Rebecca is..and I don't like Justin..so I can't answer that question fairly
Saturday, March 19, 2011
I don't have to know you to say you aren't perfect. It's a universal fact of life. If you were, then you would never make a single mistake. It's obvious from reading your rants that you do make mistakes. Don't you think you should stop this foolishness?
foolishness ...what foolishness -- i love people getting angry over nothing...its why they are stupid and i am brighter than them...a smart person knows when not to fight back and ignore others..a dumb person keeps fighting even when they know they can't win...thus i am WINNING!!!!
If you could date any celebrity, who would it be?
Victoria, Selena, Hilary Duff...too many to pick
If you could ask Barack Obama one question what would it be?
when are we dropping the bomb on every other country
What was the last book you read?
probably back in college -- which i don't remember
Star Trek or Star Wars?
star trek...my ex-girlfriend would hate me for that one...
What exactly is it that you are winning?
whatever i decide...winning again
Fortran or COBOL?
eww..neither...never learned either to any usable extent
Tony Randall or Jack Lemmon?
2 actors who played in the odd couple -- one in the movie and the other on tv..beyond that it can't be compared
If you could join the cast of any TV reality show, which one would you choose?
i don't watch reality tv
You're really smart! Ever thought about going on Jeopardy?
i am not trivia smart...for example i know nothing about the bible or shakespeare for example
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Hayley Mills or Lindsay Lohan?
the only thing these 2 have in common is the "Parent Trap" movies...otherwise no comparison..one was 1960's and it worked - the other was 1990's and it worked too...equal for their times
Who are the "Sweet 16" in your bracket?
i don't know that many hot chicks
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
If you could go only to one restaurant for the next five years, which would it be?
i dont eat out
How much deeper do you plan to keep digging that hole you're in, or can you admit that you make mistakes just like everyone else?
i dont dig any hole...i dont make mistakes...bye bye
If you could go on a road trip with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?
too many to pick
tv], stupider, niether, and confusiing have all been previously typed by you. How do you feel now?
it dont bother me -- because i know what i type...case closed you fool
Can you use the following words in a sentence: tv], stupider, niether, and confusiing?
none are words.....thank you for playing....
What would you say to someone who claims to never make typos, yet doesn't capitalize proper nouns, leaves apostrophes out of contractions, and makes various other typing errors?
i don't like to yell...my apostrophe key sticks...and other errors are just you not knowing how to read...case closed
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
How can you make the claim that you never make typos and yet have the nerve to call other people liars?
because i don't and they are...case closed..and since you don't know me you don't know the liars i have been dealing with..therefore double case closed
Why do you feel it necessary to rip on people for making typos when you're guilty of it yourself?
never have i made a typo error...but the word used is something very different when i looked it up online...and it made absolutely no sense whatsoever...
Chuck Norris or Steven Seagal?
2 b-grade actors - care about neither
How do you think the Founding Fathers would feel in regards to wealth redisatribution?
what is redisatribution? can't find it any dictionary....if you meant REDISITRIBUTION , then my answer is the founding fathers would have issues with our entire eco-political system much less wealth...
Monday, March 14, 2011
What are your thoughts on the end-around the Republicans pulled in Wisconsin to strip public unions of collective bargaining rights?
its good that it happened...that same thing will happen here in Maine too very soon as many teachers have already (about 1200) have announced their retirement.....i say "bye-bye unions"...don't let the door hit you on the way out..haha
Windows or Linux?
windows...too many varieties of linux and too many incompatibilites
scsi is faster -- ide was more compatble...again it depends on what you are using it for
Java or C++?
i never learned either but each serve its own purposes..so i am split on that one...so equal
Ada or Pascal?
pascal definitely...seriously ada...1970's lives...
What's the origin of your name?
no idea...family name i got stuck with
What 3 things do you think will become obsolete in the next ten years?
ascii .. who remembers the old ancient ebcdic anyway...
ASCII or Hollerith?
i know what ascii is but no clue on the other
If your house was on fire and you could only grab three things, what would they be?
my bear my posters my pillow
Today is National Bracket Day! Have you filled out your March Madness bracket yet?
i dont know what this means...i need no brackets..nothing is falling to the floor...confused....
Sunday, March 13, 2011
What's the biggest challenge you've faced in your life?
trying to find a girlfriend...no job..no girlfriend...eh they are equally hard...
Friday, March 11, 2011
When starts your summer holiday?
when i became unemployed 2 years ago...been 1 long break
KCA's or TCA's?
both they can co-exist -- almost like the same show
Spongebob ar Simpsons?
more spongebob -- simpsons getting tired
Thursday, March 10, 2011
If your house was on fire and you could only grab three things, what would they be?
my bear, my posters, and my Hilary Duff cutout from the Lizzie McGuire Movie (don't ask)
Would it be okay if I pray for you?
thats up to you..i dont know you...you could make a voodoo doll of me too if you want -- i will never know the difference
If your problems began only two years ago, why weren't you happy before then?
because there were other issues that i have been dealing with
I am curious as to why you have never been happy. Have you been unemployed with health issues your entire life?
the last 2 years
Why are you never happy? Just being alive is a special gift!
who can be happy unemployed..with no money and other issues that cant be explained along with declining health issues and no insurance to pay for anything medical
What are your thoughts on the recent Supreme Court decision regarding the Westboro Baptist Church?
i dont know anything about this